December 2011 Newsletter – Loan training in Alailelai and Goats
Dear Loyal Supporters
I have just returned from another inspiring trip to Tanzania.
Microfinance Loans
I went to hear the micro-finance business training being given to Maasai women from Alailelai ward. These three villages (adjacent to the three we support) are being supported by Judy lane from America. WTWT shared in the training costs and had people from our villages (Nainokanoka ward) visiting to learn, in preparation for starting our own microfinance loan system next year.
The training was given through song, drama and lively teaching. Most of the women have not had the benefit of any formal education. It was wonderful to see their faces as drama demonstrated the importance of repaying their loans: ‘..and if you do not pay your loan, your other 19 friends will come marching to your door… and they will not have happy faces..’. They laughed so much, and later set out to make their business plans, scribed by the few who are literate and with our Maasai co-ordinators.
Goat Project
I was called out of one session by a note ‘Rachel – women of Irkeepusi need you at 2:30. Should we go?’ We went. I was expecting a small group, but we were met by hundreds of women coming
towards us from all directions, singing and dancing with gratitude for the goats we have given. They held a short ceremony of thanks and gave us gifts and speeches. We were so moved.
On another day returning from the teaching, we were met by a group of slender young women who had walked 20 km from the furthest village, and waited for hours to see us. They too were destitute and hoping that we might give goats to them. We had started the project for 210 people who had no livestock, and now no food, since the ban on growing vegetables. They are surviving on the generosity of their neighbours who are scarcely better off. I was receiving their gratitude, but also seeing the hunger of those who had not been in the first 210. In our 1st village there are ‘only’ another 30 who are similarly hungry, without livestock, and so I was able to tell them that we would continue the project until all those without livestock would have 4 goats each to breed and build a herd.
Through these goats and loans there is hope for the future and for that of their children. The needs of these people feel overwhelming, and yet I know that together we can help them climb out of poverty.
Thank you once again for your on-going support, and if any of you would like to make a donation or set up a standing order our bank account is: ‘Weston Turville Wells for Tanzania’ at Lloyds TSB, account number: 00087400, sort code 30-90-38. Cheques can be made payable to ‘WTWT’ and posted to our address below.
For those of you who live locally our annual Barn Dance will be held on Saturday 25th February 2012 at 7:30 pm in Weston Turville village hall. Tickets available from me: £15 to include a hot meal with a vegetarian option. There will be a bar. Hope to see as many of you as possible.
Also if any of you have clothes, shoes or books you are clearing out, do drop them round here and leave in our porch, as I can raise money for WTWT charity for them.
Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas
With love
Rachel and all at WTWT here in the UK and in Tanzania
Rachel Blackmore
Weston Turville Wells for Tanzania (WTWT)
Registered UK charity No: 112541
Registered office: Old Crown, West End, Weston Turville, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 5TT Phone: +441296 614751 (land line) or +447792 475094 (mobile