October 2012 Newsletter – Businesses, Dispensary and Water Pipes


Wote’s retail shop

Dear Loyal Supporters
Thank you once again for your fantastic support. It has enabled us to continue with and expand our projects to relieve poverty in Irkeepusi. I’m delighted to report that things are progressing well in several areas of our work:
Microfinance loans
The four groups of women and one group of men have been working hard on their new businesses. Some women have been running small retail shops selling tea, sugar, flour, cooking oil, soap etc for the daily needs of the local communities. Others have been selling rice, maize, shoes and clothing in the local markets. The men have been buying and selling livestock. All goups have repaid their two weekly loan installments on time and have been making savings. Our co-ordinators in the village have been supervising the projects to ensure that things are going well and that accurate records are being kept. The loans are for a year and should be fully repaid by June 2013. The people are really happy with their new businesses enabling them to feel secure in caring for their families and be able to send their children to school and cope with unexpected expenses such as health care.


Selling maize, beans and soap at the market


Alailelai market


Alailelai market

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A shop selling rice, maize, tea, oil and spices started with a WTWT loan

Health care
Thanks to you the new Dispensary Building is now complete, below. The village leaders and people are currently planning the funding for the daily running costs. They may all contribute towards employing a manager, as they feel that the government run hospitals are less efficient. They also need to complete a house for the doctor and other staff before the dispensary can start running. At the meeting below the leaders requested WTWT funding for this, which we plan to do.


A meeting at the newly completed Dispensary in Bulati


We had news this week that finally the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) are to put down water pipes to supply part of the village of Irkeepusi from the Munge River. This is great news and something we hope they will expand to cover all areas of the village not supplied by wells. We planned this two years ago, after discussion with the NCAA. We had a survey done of water needs and designed with ‘Christian Engineers in Development’ a system of pipes from the Munge River, with large water storage tanks. The delay has been that the NCAA favoured the water supply going to a new large tourist lodge that was planned. The government has now said there will be no more lodges, as the area already has too much tourism. This means that the water needs of the local people are finally being considered.

We have the estimates for the new nursery classes and building will be starting soon on the first one. The John Colet School council have chosen WTWT as their charity to raise funds for this year, which is wonderful news. The money they raise will go towards sponsoring children to secondary school. We hope that the students we sponsor at Nainokanoka will be able to communicate by email with the pupils at The John Colet who are supporting them. They will be using the laptop donated to Nainokanoka School by WTWT. We purchased the laptops from Computer Aid at a low cost. They are reconditioned ones donated from businesses when they upgrade their systems, and are only available to registered charities.
Christmas cards
This year we are selling Christmas cards in aid of WTWT. I have attached the order form and designs to the email.
Barn Dance
The date for your diary for our annual ‘knees up’ is 2nd March 2013. I will be selling tickets after Christmas. Call me on the number below, or email.
Clothes collecting
We continue to collect clothes and shoes and sell them to ‘Pre loved goods’ in Aylesbury to raise funds for our work. If you have any unwanted clothes or shoes do drop them round to our address below and leave them in the porch or the garage at the side.
If any of you would like to make a donation towards these projects, or set up a standing order our bank account is: ‘Weston Turville Wells for Tanzania’ at Lloyds TSB, account number: 00087400, sort code 30-90-38. Cheques can be made payable to ‘WTWT’ and posted to our address below.
Without you none of our work would be possible. To every single one of you who has helped us with our projects we send our love and gratitude.
Rachel, Dave and the WTWT team in the UK: Michael, Ruth, Suchita and in Tanzania: Ponja and Embapa.
Rachel Blackmore
Weston Turville Wells for Tanzania (WTWT)
Registered UK charity No: 1125141
Registered office: Old Crown, West End, Weston Turville, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 5TT Phone: (+44) 01296 614751 home, or (+44) 07792 475094 mobile